Play Your Curiosity,
We need a learning method that fits the world children see.
PlayCurio has been striving to develop the content that is perfect for our children.
Healthy play-based learning through smart devices - a new learning experience that PlayCurio pursues.
- Children's curiosity is the most important resource for learning. PlayCurio fosters children's curiosity.
- PlayCurio makes sustained efforts to develop creative contents that nurture children's imagination.
- The connection between the present and the future, online and offline, play and education - PlayCurio is at the center of it.
Curio Orange
R 245 G 130 B 32
C 0 M 60 Y 100 K 0 | #F5821F - This color symbolizes children's curiosity and imagination.
Curio Yellow
R 255 G 221 B 0
C 0 M 10 Y 100 K 0 | #FFDD00 - This color symbolizes the infinite energy of children.
The rounded speech bubbles and fonts represent the innocence of children.
Curi & Rio
These are the main characters of PlayCurio,
who often fight, but in critical situations,
they work well together.
Peet The Detective
The Peet Series is the world’s first documentary animation
which vividly shows the real pictures of animal and plant’s ecology
as the story is led by the animated characters.
Our Office
1105-9, Nuridream Square R&D Tower, 396, World Supo Buk-ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul